How to test product Sales Funnel on ClickFunnels 

Do you want more leads and prospects for your business? Then, you need to build a good sales funnel. Back in the day, you may need the help of technical experts in information technology (IT), computer programming, and web development to create one. Fortunately, there is now an easy way to build a good sales funnel by yourself and without having to employ experts for their technical skills, thanks to application softwares like ClickFunnels.

ClickFunnels is an all-in-one platform that allows you to create and develop your sales funnels. Sales funnels should be tested properly to ensure that your funnel is working as intended, and this can be all done through ClickFunnels. 


What is a Sales Funnel?

Sales funnels refers to the buying process that companies lead customers through when buying products. The definition also refers to the process through which a business finds, qualifies, and sells its products to buyers. 

Why is a Sales Funnel necessary and important?

Your sales funnel illustrates the path your prospects take. Understanding your funnel can help you find the holes in the funnel– the places where prospects drop out and never convert. If you don’t understand your sales funnel, you can’t optimize it properly. (READ More: How to create a sales funnel)

Stages of a Sales Funnel

Here are the stages of a sales funnel that you need to consider to create a successful sales funnel for your business. 


This phase is all about brand awareness and traffic. You won’t be selling products or services at this stage. However, this is also the most crucial part of your customer’s journey. It’s all about identifying your target audience and where you usually find them.

You can ask questions, such as “How can you make customers aware of your services or products?”, “What is your brand awareness campaign and strategy in providing content?” 


The second stage is to lure your customers’ interest to find out more about the products and services you offer and their benefits. 


This stage is where you reel your customers in from just liking your products or services to actually wanting them. 


Your CTA or call-to-action button is critical to your overall sale deal. This is where you present the offer to take the last step into making the purchase. 

How a Sales Funnel Works

While several words are used to describe different sales funnel stages, we’ll narrow it down with the four most common terms to explain how each step works as a consumer goes from a visitor to a prospect to a lead to a buyer.

A visitor lands on your website through a Google search or social link. He or she is now a prospect to lead to a buyer. 

They may now check out a few of your blog posts or browse your product listings. At some point, you offer them an opportunity to sign up for your email list.

When the visitor fills out your form, they become a lead. You can now market to the customer outside of your websites, such as through email, phone, or text.

Leads tend to come back to your website when you contact them using special offers, information about new blog posts, or other intriguing messages. Maybe you can offer a coupon code.

The sales funnel narrows as visitors move through it. This is because you’ll have more prospects at the top of the funnel than buyers at the bottom, but also because your messaging needs to become increasingly targeted. 

What is ClickFunnels?

ClickFunnels is an all-in-one software tool designed primarily to assist your marketing and sales efforts, especially sales funnels. (READ More: How Clickfunnels work and what it can do for you)

ClickFunnels helps you create:

  1.     Landing Pages – for generating leads and build a list
  2.     Sales Pages – to market your products
  3.     Order Form Pages – for processing payments
  4.     Upsells – for offering an upgraded, premium, or upsell offers
  5.     Membership Websites – to run a store and sell your own content and merchandise 

(READ More: Everything you need to know about ClickFunnels)

Features of ClickFunnels

Below are some of the features of ClickFunnels. 

Pre-Built Templates

ClickFunnels offers several template designs to choose from to match the style and interest in building a sales funnel. It only takes about 8-10 seconds to build an entire funnel together with your preferred layout.

The library of templates to choose from is one of the best features of ClickFunnels. You will not run out of choices or designs to integrate into your landing page, sales page, upsells, etc. 

Sales Funnel Blueprints

When you are looking for a specific template for a particular type of business, ClickFunnels also provides a whole stock of blueprints to use for:

  •     Lead Generation
  •     Webinar Hosting
  •     Launching a New Product 

Drag-and Drop-Editor

Editing on ClickFunnels is very easy and simple due to its drag-and-drop function. You can use it to edit any part of the design however you want. 

This feature allows you to choose certain sections and move them to where you want them to be. The template layout is entirely customizable, and if you want to delete a portion, you can also do it. You can change backgrounds, typography, font, and even edit the CTA button format. 

Page Elements Customization

ClickFunnels provides more than 50-page elements for added flexibility to your design by simply dragging and dropping them onto the screen.

All the elements are pre-developed, and it is up to you to choose the element you need within your canvas. Text elements, media components, advanced form elements, and content blocks are among the many page elements you can add to enhance and personalize the page further.

Page Elements

  •     Headline
  •     Surveys
  •     Social Share
  •     Bullet List
  •     SMS Signup
  •     Order Bump
  •     Video
  •     Shipping Address
  •     2-step Order Form
  •     Audio Player
  •     Pricing Table
  •     Webinar Date
  •     Select Box
  •     Image List
  •     Link Builder 


An autoresponder is an email automation feature that allows you to respond to your email list automatically by sending out emails to a particular group or several groups in your list.  

Convert web pages into mobile-friendly

You can preview a mobile version of your website and edit it to match the mobile-friendly standards for a better user experience, be it on a computer or a phone. 


Actionetics allows you to track visitor statistics such as engagement activity and insights to improve client engagement. 

ClickFunnels Pricing

ClickFunnels offers two pricing plans: Standard and Platinum. Below are the details of each plan. 

Standard Plan

The Standard plan starts at $97 per month and gives decent coverage of 20 funnels, 100 pages, and three domains. This is an excellent choice if you are just starting out because you also have access to several resources to create an effective sales funnel. 

Platinum Plan

This is an upgraded version of the Standard plan. It offers unlimited funnels and webpages. Moreover, only the autoresponder and affiliate marketing features are available in this plan.

The Platinum plan costs $297 each month and provides special access to Funnelflix. If you’re wondering why you need to pay an extra $200 more, here is the reason. 

You have access to amazing features when you upgrade to Platinum. However, Funnelflix is a different story. Inside Funnelflix is content that’s driven to answer every business question you have in your head.

Do you want to become a better copywriter? It’s on Funnelflix.

Do you need the motivation to push you further to success? There is Tony Robbins, and it’s on Funnelflix. What you would pay hundreds and thousands of dollars for a single course are included in the Platinum plan of ClickFunnels. 

What is Funnel Testing?

Funnel testing is a testing method that involves comparing two pages against each other and multiple pages related and are all part of your sales funnel.  

Funnel tests or multi-page tests work similarly to the A/B test. However, instead of changing only some control page elements, you can create variations of all the original pages in the sales funnel.

In this way, visitors who see the control page when they land on your website will be directed to a specific page. In contrast, those who see a variant will be directed to the corresponding variant, depending on the stage of the sales funnel they’re in. Funnel testing allows you to offer customers a consistent experience through the sales funnel, even when running several tests. 

How to test your Sales Funnel

Learning how to test your funnel properly is essential to ensure that it is working as intended. For this demonstration, we will be using an Optin Funnel. However, the steps below also apply to all funnel types. 

Before starting, you will need to have the following:

  •     Active ClickFunnels account
  •     Optin Funnel
  •     Chrome Browser
  1.     Go to your funnels and choose the Optin funnel you want to test.
  2.     Load the Optin Page in an incognito window by right-clicking on the preview icon next to the step’s URL.
  3.     Submit a test using a unique email address. 

It’s recommended to simulate that a new lead is coming into the funnel with every test. ClickFunnels needs a unique email address to be submitted during the test to simulate it.  If you want to make an email address unique, you can add +1, +2, +3 before the @, and so on for every test.

  1.     Check the Contacts tab of your funnel and confirm if the new test contact was added.