How to best sell affiliate products with ClickFunnels

Sales funnels are one of the best ways to convert your visitors into leads, and leads into customers. ClickFunnels is one of the best sales funnel builders in the industry today. If you use the platform, you might as well earn more money by joining their affiliate program

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a business model where you earn a commission by selling other business’ products. Average commissions are commonly around 10-20%, but you can sometimes get paid up to 50% depending on the products you sell. 

Affiliate Marketing has become a more powerful business model, primarily due to how easy it is to get started to sell proven-to-work products and earn a commission. You make money by selling products to people who are already looking for that specific product. (READ More: How to set up ClickFunnels affiliate)

How to get traffic to your sales funnel 

Affiliate marketing is essentially sending traffic visits to your landing page promoting an affiliate product instead of them going directly to the product page. 

The internet doesn’t sleep and neither should your business or income. Evergreen is referred to as traffic that will stay around and generate passive traffic. Depending on your niche, you can use evergreen traffic sources such as YouTube or Google SEO. By utilizing these applications, it will be like having salesmen selling your product 24/7. 

Social media applications like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, on the other hand, generate heavy traffic, where you will have to run ads or create new posts to get leads continuously. 

Many people have had success using Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook as traffic methods, and you can succeed too. However, with a platform such as Instagram, your content can get lost in the algorithm within an hour of posting. It won’t give you the longevity of a blog or YouTube channel. 

There are several types of content for affiliate marketing that you can use with YouTube or Google SEO:

  •     How To’s
  •     Tutorials
  •     List/Best Of’s
  •     Reviews

These types of content provide solutions to people’s problems, therefore making them necessary and useful always. 

Another means is by getting targeted traffic to your affiliate offers. By providing value for free upfront, you will generate more traffic to your landing page. Instead of directly selling, you can offer help first and then with permission, of course, collect later on the back end. 

Here are other ways to get traffic to your landing page:

  •     Forums- Add a strong Call to Action in your signature
  •     Reddit- You can answer questions or create content about specific affiliate products
  •     Quora- Answer targeted questions and provide a link to your landing page
  •     Guest Blogging- Post high-quality articles on other people’s blogs. You can expand your reach using this method. 

How ClickFunnels can help affiliate marketers

If you want to be successful as an affiliate marketer, you need a sales funnel. Spamming links and directing cold traffic to affiliate offers is not a good business plan. You might be able to get a sale or two but it won’t be sustainable. 

ClickFunnels is an industry leader for creating sales funnels that convert. Due to its ease of use and drag-and-drop technology, you don’t need to have technical skills to use this software.

Below are some of the ways how ClickFunnels can help affiliate marketers. 

ClickFunnels for Affiliate Marketing can help add value to your potential customers.

Traditionally, affiliate marketers would simply publish their affiliate links randomly and hope that people who are interested in their offers would click on their links.

Successful affiliate marketing is different. You must be able to add value to your potential customers so that they may be interested in what you’re offering.

First, you need to find a way to add value to your target audience. You must come up with a lead magnet that will be attractive enough such that leads will be willing to give you their email address. This is where ClickFunnels can help you. 

ClickFunnels for Affiliate Marketing can help you build a list of potential customers.

If you want to become successful in affiliate marketing, you need to build a list. The good thing about a list is that even if you sell a product today and only two people are interested, you can sell a different product tomorrow, and a few more people might be interested.

The following day, you might want to sell a different product or service, and a few more people might be interested in your product.

The email list becomes a source of recurring customers. As long as you’re working to build the list, you can be sure that you have a tribe of people ready to buy using your affiliate links.

ClickFunnels for affiliate marketing allows you to develop an affiliate marketing funnel whereby you deliver a lead magnet in exchange for a lead’s contact details. Once you have their email address, you can continue to add values as you offer them your affiliate links as a way of adding extra value and helping them solve their problems and pain points. 

In this way, you provide a solution to your contact list. Consequently, you can start earning with your list. 

ClickFunnels for Affiliate Marketing can help you increase your conversion rate.

Becoming a solution provider to your list increases your level of persuasion and also increases your conversion rate. When you deliver your links as part of a solution in an email sequence, your email list will start to like you. You also separate yourself from the many other marketers trying to spam them to sell their affiliate links. 

ClickFunnels for Affiliate Marketing can help you cut down on the hosting cost.

If you are an affiliate marketer, hosting the domains increases your expenses. When you use ClickFunnels, you get access to free domains depending on which plan you’re using. 

If you are using the Startup plan, you get access to 3 domains. If you are using the Platinum plan, you get access to unlimited domains. 

(READ More: How does the ClickFunnels Affiliate Program work?)

How to use ClickFunnels for affiliate marketing 

Setting Up Your ClickFunnels Account

Setting up ClickFunnels is quite easy and straightforward. If you are already a ClickFunnels user, you may skip this step. Otherwise, you can start using it for free through its 14-day Free Trial. 

Below are the steps to set up your free account.

  1.     Go to and click on the “Start Free 14-day Trial Now” button.
  2.     You will be prompted to enter your details such as name, email, and password.
  3.     On the next page, you will need to choose between a plan that you want.
  4.     After choosing the plan, you will need to input your debit card or credit card information. You don’t have to worry, though, because you will only be charged when the 14-day free trial ends.
  5.     That’s it! Now you will be redirected to the dashboard. 

Choosing an Affiliate Product

Before you start creating a sales funnel, you need an affiliate product. Affiliate products can be found in ClickFunnels. You can choose any product you like. 

Creating a Funnel

Once you have chosen your product, it’s time to build your funnel. Your funnel can have two pages, the Landing Page and the Thank You page.

Below are the steps to design your funnel:

  1.     Go to your ClickFunnels dashboard. Click on “ClickFunnels” in the menu and then click “Funnels.”
  2.     Click on “Add New.”
  3.     You will have two options here. If you click “Create New Funnel,” it will let you create a funnel on your own. You can also click “Start Cookbook,” which will list 22 different funnel types that you can use for your business.
  4.     After you choose your template, you can now edit anything you want. The editor is easy to use, and you don’t need to have any technical knowledge.

The second step in the funnel is the Thank You page, that you will show to visitors after they have submitted their email address. 

A thank-you page template includes the thank you message and may include a video that promotes another affiliate product closely related to your primary product. You may have to make some changes to the thank you page template.  

(READ More: How to set up an affiliate site on ClickFunnels)

How to get started on using ClickFunnels for Affiliate Marketing 

Join the ClickFunnels Affiliate BootCamp

The ClickFunnels Affiliate BootCamp is a virtual training program that provides affiliates all the information they need to do a full-time business out of affiliate marketing. This summit brings together 15 of Russell’s top affiliates who contribute some tidbits of their success in affiliate marketing using ClickFunnels. 

Get a copy of Russell Brunson’s DotComSecrets book

Russell Brunson is the founder and CEO of ClickFunnels. A copy of his DotComSecrets book is free. You only need to cover the shipping. It will teach you several advanced online marketing techniques to increase your sales and overall conversions. You will also learn many things about how ClickFunnels can help you

Get a Copy of Expert Secrets Book

Expert Secrets is another free book where you only need to cover the shipping costs. This book will teach you how to become an expert in your niche and build a group of loyal followers who resonate with your message and buy your products. 

Now that you have everything you need, the only thing that can stop you from launching a successful affiliate marketing business is yourself. ClickFunnels is an excellent marketing tool that you can use to succeed in affiliate marketing. (READ More: How to promote ClickFunnels as an affiliate)